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“Logan” and the Review with Spoilers

If you have not seen  Logan yet, go away now. 



Here’s Logan, telling you to go watch the movie before reading this

I’m not joking, SPOILERS AHEAD


Here’s Laura, telling you to go watch the movie before reading this review





You Have Been Warned.




Logan, the long awaited X-Men film…oddly enough doesn’t really feel like an X-Men film but it was perfect for what it was.

You already know what I think about it, see previous review.

Now I’ll tell you what my favourite bits are (not in order of appearance):

I loved the contrast between Logan taking Professor X to the toilet in the petrol station, Laura on the mechanical horse and the situation that they’re in. It really puts things into perspective and is genuinely some relief from everything that’s been going on.

The seizure scene was difficult to watch, which I think is what they were going for, but honestly if it was then well done.

The family were so nice, you kindof had to figure out something bad was going to happen, but honestly I hated that something bad happened with them.

The people who bullied the nice family’s dad was ridiculous.

That soulless clone stole every scene it was in and it was the most terrifying thing in the whole movie.

There were a lot of firsts for Laura: First time buying something? first time listening to music via headphones. It was nice to see this adjustment but it was also a bit sad.

The final cross to X-Men’s X on Logan’s grave.

Logan as Wolverine-in-X-Men cameos:

  • When he was just wearing a white undershirt when he finished helping the nice family’s dad fixing the electricity or something (I don’t remember but you know what scene, also why’d he take his shirt off AFTER he finished, not before?)
  • When the kids cut his beard/hair to look like Wolverine’s.

Favourite quotes:

  • “Thats my dad, Chuck” – Logan
  • “I wish I could say you were a good pupil, but the words would choke me” – Professor X
  • “I got kicked out a few times” – Logan
  • “I’m not a box of avocados, Logan” – Professor X
  • A whole 5 minutes of just Logan saying “shit”, it was funny to see the French subtitles were just “Merde”, uninterrupted, that whole time.

And that’s about it. I genuinely enjoyed it and I want to give it 4.5 stars because the end killed me but I will give it the 5 stars it deserved because it was genuinely such a good X-Men/Non-X-Men/Standalone(?) film. Well done, Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart and Dafne Keen, well done.